Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blogging: A major project

Since I am new to the world of blogging, the act of creating my blog is a very creative outlet for me as well. I enjoy writing and journaling, so that part is easy. However, trying to figure out how to format my blog, use blogger, etc. is totally overwhelming me!!! I can't figure out anything right now, but at least I got something slapped together for now. Trying to figure out how to blog is taking away my crafting time! This blogging thing is going to be tough to do every week, unless I can find a quicker way of doing it, especially downloading pictures.  I have to stay up after my hub goes to bed because I know he will make snarky comments about my computer usage otherwise. WHO HAS TIME FOR THIS?! O.K.. Frustration attack over. I'm thinking that this must just be a learning curve issue. I will get much faster at this. I think I can, I think I can.

This only reinforces my point that I am using this to keep track of my own creative process and am not out to impress anyone with my fancy blog!!! Perhaps someday I will be brave enough to let friends and family know about it, but for now, mums the word.

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